Exchange Rates UK Your Live Currency Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates UK Your Live Currency Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates UK Your Live Currency Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates UK provides live currency exchange rates for various currency pairs. Here are the current rates:

Pairs Price Open Low High Change
GBP/EUR 1.1832 1.1832 1.1819 1.1835 +0%
GBP/USD 1.2651 1.2651 1.2651 1.2654 +0%
GBP/CAD 1.733 1.733 1.7329 1.7333 +0%
GBP/AUD 1.9021 1.9021 1.8973 1.9025 +0%
GBP/NZD 2.067 2.0677 2.067 2.0681 -0.03%
GBP/ZAR 22.7262 22.7262 22.7262 22.7307 +0%
GBP/AED 4.6467 4.6467 4.6467 4.6476 +0%
GBP/BGN 2.3117 2.3138 2.3117 2.3149 -0.09%
GBP/CHF 1.1306 1.1306 1.13 1.1306 +0%
GBP/CNY 9.1863 9.1863 9.1863 9.1881 +0%
GBP/DKK 8.8233 8.8233 8.8233 8.8251 +0%
GBP/HKD 9.8743 9.8742 9.8742 9.8762 +0%
GBP/HRK 8.9144 8.9144 8.879 8.9162 +0%
GBP/HUF 469.0107 469.0107 469.0107 469.1033 +0%
GBP/ILS 4.7563 4.7563 4.7518 4.7572 +0%
GBP/INR 105.7186 105.7186 105.7155 105.7395 +0%
GBP/KES 163.4874 162.5654 162.5654 163.5197 +0.57%
GBP/JPY 202.0175 202.0049 202.0049 202.6395 +0.01%
GBP/MXN 22.912 22.9117 22.9117 22.9522 +0%
GBP/NOK 13.355 13.355 13.355 13.3775 +0%
GBP/SEK 13.293 13.293 13.293 13.2957 +0%
GBP/PHP 74.4278 74.4278 74.4278 74.477 +0%
GBP/PLN 5.117 5.1168 5.1147 5.118 +0%
GBP/QAR 4.6044 4.606 4.6044 4.606 -0.03%
GBP/RON 5.8859 5.8859 5.8859 5.887 +0%
GBP/RUB 112.572 112.572 112.572 112.5943 +0%
GBP/SAR 4.7464 4.7464 4.7464 4.7473 +0%
GBP/SGD 1.7145 1.714 1.714 1.7148 +0.03%
GBP/THB 46.3868 46.3868 46.3868 46.4736 +0%
GBP/TRY 41.5333 41.5459 41.5333 41.5464 -0.03%

Exchange Rates UK provides these interbank exchange rates, which are not available directly to individuals. Actual exchange rates may vary due to margins applied by brokers and travel money companies. If you’re looking to exchange currency, consider these rates as a reference.

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