Doppler Building Amazon’s 524-Foot Colorful Icon

Doppler Building Amazon’s 524-Foot Colorful Icon


The Doppler Building, also known as Amazon Tower I and Rufus 2.0 Block 14, stands prominently in Seattle, Washington. This striking office tower, towering at 524 feet (160 meters), serves as a significant landmark for Amazon’s corporate headquarters.

Project Description

Architectural and Structural Features

  • Height: 524 feet (160 meters)
  • Floors: 36 floors of office and amenity space
  • Retail Space: Approximately 20,000 square feet
  • Parking: 6 floors of below-grade parking with a total of 1,067 stalls
  • Meeting Center: A 5-story facility with a seating capacity of about 1,800 people

Environmental Certification

The Doppler Building achieved LEED Gold certification, reflecting its commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly design and construction practices.

Development Details

  • Site Area: 78,440 square feet
  • Total Project Size: 1,000,000 square feet of office space, 20,000 square feet of retail space

Scope of Work

The development of the Doppler Building involved a comprehensive range of services:

  1. Site Selection and Due Diligence: Identifying and assessing the site for suitability and potential.
  2. Entitlements: Securing necessary approvals, including Planned Community Development (PCD), Alley Vacation, and Master Use Permit (MUP).
  3. Permits and Approvals: Navigating regulatory requirements and obtaining necessary permits.
  4. Consultant Management: Selecting and managing architects, contractors, and other consultants.
  5. Design and Construction Management: Overseeing the design and construction phases, including coordination with architects and contractors.
  6. Budget and Cost Control: Managing project finances, ensuring adherence to budget constraints.
  7. Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Coordination: Planning and coordinating the interior furnishings and equipment.
  8. Retail Coordination: Integrating retail spaces into the building’s design and operation.
  9. Transition to Operations: Supporting the smooth transition of the building into operational use.

Key Players

  • Client: Amazon
  • Development Manager: Seneca Group
  • General Contractor: Sellen Construction
  • Shell & Core Architect: NBBJ
  • Tenant Improvements Architect: IA

Completion Date

The Doppler Building was completed in 2016, marking a significant milestone in Amazon’s expansion and presence in Seattle.

Modern Stainless Steel Façades: The Elegant Colors of Amazon’s Doppler Building

Introducing Case Amazon Doppler

The Amazon Doppler Building, also known as Amazon Tower I and Rufus 2.0 Block 14, is a striking example of modern architecture that integrates a colorful stainless steel façade. Located in downtown Seattle, this skyscraper stands out not just for its height but for its sophisticated and imaginative use of stainless steel in its exterior design.

The Artistic and Technical Ambitions

Design Goals

The Doppler Building’s façade was designed with a vision to reflect a dynamic, colorful appearance that changes with light and weather conditions. Dale Alberda, a principal architect at NBBJ, wanted a façade that would not only be aesthetically pleasing but also durable and sustainable. Given Seattle’s coastal location, the selected stainless steel needed to offer excellent corrosion resistance.

Material Selection and Technical Expertise

The project used Outokumpu Supra 316L/4404 stainless steel, a high-quality grade known for its durability and resistance to corrosion. This choice ensured that the building could withstand the elements while maintaining its aesthetic appeal. To achieve the desired colorful effect, Inox-Color GmbH, led by Managing Partner Ines Gaede, employed a sophisticated coloring process.

The Colorization Process

Developing the Color Range

Over five months, Gaede and her team at Inox-Color meticulously developed a range of colors for the Doppler Building’s façade. This process involved defining tones from deep reds to bright golds. The team used the INOX-SPECTRAL® coloring process, which enhances the chromium oxide layer on the stainless steel to create interference colors.

“The INOX-SPECTRAL® coloring process is based on increasing the chromium oxide layer of the stainless steel itself, which creates interference colors on the surface. This method preserves the functional and optical qualities of the base material without the need for external coatings,” explains Gaede. This technique ensures that the colors remain vibrant and do not crack or peel over time.

Technical Precision

Jörn Teipel, Lead Technical Manager in Architecture at Outokumpu, praised the precision and quality of the color application. “I was deeply impressed by the level of precision in this technique and the way Ines Gaede could produce the particular color tones that Alberda was looking for,” Teipel noted.

Spectacular Results

Dynamic Appearance

The completed Doppler Building façade is a testament to the capabilities of stainless steel as a versatile and aesthetically flexible material. The façade’s colorful surface interacts dynamically with light, creating a continuously changing visual experience. As Gaede puts it, “The façade has a lively, colorful surface that constantly communicates with the light coming from different angles. If you walk around the Doppler, it looks different with every step you take.”

Craftsmanship and Detail

The final result showcases exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. The stainless steel façade not only serves as a protective outer layer but also contributes to the building’s unique visual identity. It challenges the conventional metallic look often associated with stainless steel, proving that the material can be both functional and artistically expressive.


The Amazon Doppler Building exemplifies how modern architecture can leverage stainless steel to create visually stunning and technically proficient façades. Through innovative colorization techniques and meticulous design efforts, the building’s façade becomes a dynamic and integral part of Seattle’s urban landscape. The project highlights the potential of stainless steel to transcend its traditional applications, offering a blend of durability and aesthetic versatility.

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