Currency converter
Currency Converter Comparison for Sending £1,000
Transfer Costs and Recipient Amounts
Cost to send: £0.00
- Recipient gets: €1,177.68
- Savings: Up to €32.07
- Type: Cheapest Standard Plan
- Cost to send: £0.00
- Recipient gets: €1,176.83
- Difference: -€0.85
- Cost to send: £3.87
- Recipient gets: €1,175.26
- Difference: -€2.42
- Cost to send: £1.98
- Recipient gets: €1,159.39
- Difference: -€18.29
Western Union
- Cost to send: £2.89
- Recipient gets: €1,156.45
- Difference: -€21.23
- Cost to send: £0.00
- Recipient gets: €1,148.58
- Difference: -€29.10
- Cost to send: £0.00
- Recipient gets: €1,145.61
- Difference: -€32.07
Additional Information
The provided data reflects the costs and recipient amounts when sending money in the recipient’s national currency. This list includes a selection of providers and is not comprehensive; we intend to add more options soon. The displayed costs are based on Standard/Basic plans only. For Revolut, we may also show the cost based on one of our paid plans if it benefits the user. Please check the (i) next to the plan for subscription fees.
Exchange rates and transfer fees are updated every minute, so verify the rates and fees in-app before proceeding with your transfer. This widget is intended as a reference, but users should conduct their own due diligence before making a transfer.
Learn more about how we collect this comparison data.