AED TO PKR and other currency rates in Pakistan

AED TO PKR and other currency rates in Pakistan

AED TO PKR and other currency rates in Pakistan

AED to PKR and Other Currency Rates in Pakistan

As of June 13, 2024, the exchange rate for AED to PKR in Pakistan’s open market is as follows:

  • Buying Rate: PKR 75 per AED
  • Selling Rate: PKR 75.9 per AED

Exchange rates for other major currencies are as follows:

Currency Buy Sell
USD (US Dollar) 277.7 280.5
EUR (Euro) 296 299
GBP (British Pound) 350.5 353
SAR (Saudi Riyal) 73.1 73.85
KWD (Kuwaiti Dinar) 908.19 917.19
CAD (Canadian Dollar) 204 206
AUD (Australian Dollar) 182 184
OMR (Omani Riyal) 723.52 731.52
JPY (Japanese Yen) 1.91 1.99
MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 59.3 59.9
QAR (Qatari Riyal) 76.42 77.12
BHD (Bahraini Dinar) 740.88 748.88
THB (Thai Baht) 7.56 7.71
CNY (Chinese Yuan) 38.38 38.78
HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) 35.66 36.01
DKK (Danish Krone) 40.14 40.54
NZD (New Zealand Dollar) 170.79 172.79
SGD (Singapore Dollar) 203.5 205.5
NOK (Norwegian Krone) 25.97 26.27
SEK (Swedish Krona) 26.4 26.7
CHF (Swiss Franc) 309.94 312.44
INR (Indian Rupee) 3.33 3.44

Exchange rates can fluctuate based on global supply and demand. Keeping an eye on the current rates can help you make currency conversions at the most advantageous times.

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